Tombés du ciel

Tombés du ciel | Cluses 2016 |
from 24 juin to 31 octobre 2016

DE(HORS) LES MURS, Cluses 2016
curator Sébastien Lacroix
special thanks to Marius Lacroix and AGP
The Earth is constantly changing. With the meteorites and asteroids coming from space, its weight increases of approximately 180.000 tons every year.
To illustrate this physical and sculptural phenomenon of our planet in movement, Perrine Lacroix proposes to intervene on rocks dispersed in the city and placed on the side of the road to prevent the cars from trespassing. By painting them, the artist distorts them from their original function and transforms them into aerolithes fallen from the sky. 
In the city, on the urban furniture, a poster campaign gives us statistics on this continual migration. Those bodies coming from elsewhere extend and enrich our planet, that has been welcoming them since the dawn of time.

The painting of the rocks was realized with the children from the Ewües 2 primary school.