vague silencieuse
ENSIGN | Hangar 30, Ateliers MilleFeuilles, Nantes 2015 |
from 03 juillet 2015 to 31 mars 2017
The bunker intrigues by its story and its unfailing presence. As an evocation, a form of legacy or marks of our memory, what is its impact today on our mental and urban landscapes?
Blackening the blockhouse and drawing on it with charcoal -which is by the way one of gunpowder’s components- gives us information on the building’s function: a stock of arms and dynamite. Coloring it with charcoal brings to the surface its content, involving at the same time a form of evolution. Depending on the weather -rain, sun or wind- the charcoal marks slowly fade and disappear.
Ensign, as its name suggests, reveals its own de nition (XIIth century; ensenna, 980; latin, insignia, badge; plural of « brand »).
The Ensign imposes itself as such, while questioning at the same time what we learn from it and its context. Placed on top of a bunker, opaque and silent, it remains there, close to the ground, between the high and recent housings, like an immutable relic from the past.
Blackening the blockhouse and drawing on it with charcoal -which is by the way one of gunpowder’s components- gives us information on the building’s function: a stock of arms and dynamite. Coloring it with charcoal brings to the surface its content, involving at the same time a form of evolution. Depending on the weather -rain, sun or wind- the charcoal marks slowly fade and disappear.
Ensign, as its name suggests, reveals its own de nition (XIIth century; ensenna, 980; latin, insignia, badge; plural of « brand »).
The Ensign imposes itself as such, while questioning at the same time what we learn from it and its context. Placed on top of a bunker, opaque and silent, it remains there, close to the ground, between the high and recent housings, like an immutable relic from the past.